
What Are Lip Neutralization

Lip neutralization is a specialised treatment for those with cool, or dark-toned, lips. It is a procedure often performed on clients with darker skin tones or those whose lips have darkened over time due to weather conditions, hyperpigmentation, or underlying medical issues.

It involves injecting neutralising ink pigments into the lip area to balance darker tones and enhance the natural lip colour, shape, and symmetry. The treatment creates a subtle, rather than saturated, effect to ensure natural-looking results.


How long does the procedure take to complete?

The average time required for a procedure is between  2.5 - 3 hours. Touch Up: 1.5 - 2 hours . 

Is the surgery painful?

Pigmentation treatment is a moderately painful procedure. During treatment, you may experience mild discomfort, burning, and skin irritation. The degree of this discomfort depends on the client's personal pain threshold.

How often do I need to repeat treatment?

Lip pigmentation usually includes 2 treatments - the main treatment and a complementary treatment, which takes place after 4-6 weeks. To ensure that your pigmented lips always look perfect, they should be refreshed every 1-2 years depending on your skin type and the pigment used.

I am concerned about the color choice, is it decided together?

The treatment is preceded by a thorough color analysis of your skin. We discuss together the intensity of saturation of your lips you expect. After collecting all the information, I choose the color that best suits you.

I have had permanent makeup done, can I have it re-made at your salon?

If your permanent makeup is not done by me, I will need you to come to my studio for an evaluation